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    Psychotherapy, Child Rehabilitation and Autism Treatment Centre in Karachi

    We take care of your complete mental health

    Transformation Wellness Clinics is the ONLY multi-disciplinary setup in Pakistan, where FDA (USA) & CE (Europe) approved rTMS technology is available. Our team is comprised of UK & USA qualified Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrist, Neurologist, Clinical Hypnotherapists and Licensed Sex Therapists under one roof.

    • Dr Imran Yousuf
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    Most advanced Depression and Anxiety treatment center in Karachi

    Book An Appointment For Intake Session / Consultancy / OPD charges Rs. 1000/- only

    TIS Advisory Board Members

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects a person's ability to communicate, interact socially, and engage in repetitive behaviors. The disorder can be diagnosed in early childhood, typically around the age of 2-3 years old, and it is a lifelong condition.

    • Genetic Factors : There is strong evidence that genetics play a role in the development of autism. Studies have shown that individuals with a family history of autism are more likely to develop the condition than those without.
    • Environmental Factors : Environmental factors may also play a role in the development of autism. Research has suggested that exposure to certain environmental toxins may increase the risk of developing autism
    • Brain Development : The development of the brain during early childhood is crucial to the development of social, communication, and behavioral skills. Research has shown that differences in brain development and function may contribute to the development of autism.
    • Other Factors : Other factors that may contribute to the development of autism include preterm birth, low birth weight, and exposure to certain medications during pregnancy.
    One of the key symptoms of autism is difficulty with social communication. This can include:
    1. Delayed or absent speech: Children with autism may not start speaking until later than usual, or they may not speak at all.
    2. Difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations: Individuals with autism may struggle to start a conversation, keep it going, or understand when it is their turn to talk.
    3. Difficulty understanding nonverbal cues: People with autism may have trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice, which can make it difficult to understand social interactions.
    4. Difficulty with figurative language: Individuals with autism may take language literally and have difficulty understanding metaphors or idioms.
    Another key symptom of autism is difficulty with social interaction. This can include:
    1. Difficulty making friends: Children with autism may struggle to initiate and maintain friendships with their peers.
    2. Lack of interest in socializing: Individuals with autism may prefer to be alone or engage in solitary activities, rather than spending time with others.
    3. Difficulty understanding social norms: People with autism may have trouble understanding the unwritten rules that govern social interactions, such as taking turns in conversation or respecting personal space.
    4. Difficulty with empathy: Individuals with autism may struggle to understand and respond appropriately to the emotions of others.

    Our Therapists

    Client Testimonials

    It’s always the word of mouth that’s the best advice. Here are some of ours
    • I want to highlight the importance of mental well-being. Taking care of your mental health leads to a happier and more fulfilling life. Let's explore the incredible benefits it brings and discover ways to prioritize our well-being.
      Nusrat Haris
    • As Muslims, we aspire to enhance our mental abilities and well-being, embracing happiness. Through resilience, triumphing over negativity, and prioritizing mental health, we are dedicated to nurturing ourselves and our community.
      Amie Khan
    • Embrace the limitless strength bestowed upon us by Allah for our mental well-being. Overcome challenges, negativity, and small worries. Let's unite, strengthen our mental health, and support each other on this journey.
      Maaya Khan
    • Dr. Imran, my caring brother, provides invaluable support. His wisdom and guidance ease my professional and personal challenges. Seek his counsel for stress relief and find tranquility in your life.
      Sana Amjad
    • Dr. Imran's dedication and love for this country truly impress me. Initially skeptical of his religious speech and patriotism, I thought he might have an association with the Taliban. However, I soon realized he's just a kind-hearted person. At Transformation, he transforms lives with a smile.
      Anwar Maqsood
    • Mr. Imran is a highly dedicated individual and an excellent entrepreneur. The way he presented everything was fantastic, truly magnificent. Attending this event allowed me to gain knowledge and learn a lot. I am thrilled that I had the opportunity to be here.
      Faakhir Mehmood
    • As we explore the paramount importance of mental health. Let's acknowledge its impact on our daily lives, seek treatment for mental illness, and prioritize our overall well-being.
      Sana Faisal
    • Mental health care is a must for everyone, no matter what field you belong to, because if the mind is working properly then nothing is impossible for you.
      Javed Miandad
    • I hold high regard for Dr. Imran as he played an important role in my life, in terms of making me understand life better, being more composed and mature.
      Shaista Lodhi

    Accredited by

    Amarican Phycological
    pakistan psychological
    Canadian Phycological
    National guild of hypnotists
    Australian Hypnothrapist
    Silva Ultramind
    the america board f neuro logististic
    The Society of Neuro logistic
    international trainers
    Clinical TMS Society

    Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)

    rTMS (Revolutionary Neuro Navigation Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) technology is the non-invasive, non-drug & safest treatment that is approved by FDA & CE. This treatment costs thousands of dollars in the US. However, Transformation Wellness Clinics is the only place in Pakistan where you can get rTMS treatment in an affordable range.

    rTMS technology produces up to 90% success in the treatment of Depression, OCD, Schizophrenia, PTSD, Anxiety, Sleep Disorder, Migraine, Stroke, Parkinson’s, Dementia, Autism & other neurological and psychological conditions.

    Common Questions About Therapies

    1What is the Difference Between Psychologists and Psychiatrists?
    To define precisely, Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour. Individuals who practice Psychology are known as Psychologists and study how human beings think, behave and feel in different social settings. They are experts in human behaviour. On the other hand, Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbances, and abnormal behaviour. Psychiatrists look at biological, neurological and biochemical abnormalities to diagnose mental illnesses and prescribe medications to treat them.

    For more information : Psychiatric OPD

    2What is the Difference Between a Therapist & Psychiatrist?
    A therapist is a licensed counselor or psychologist who can use talk therapy to help you treat mental health symptoms and improve how you manage stress and relationships. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can diagnose and prescribe medication to treat mental health disorders.

    For more information : Psychiatric OPD

    3When to See a Therapist?
    Issues with mental health, especially if they’re chronic (persistent or recurring often), can be debilitating. Your body can respond physically to depression or anxiety much like it does to physical illness. And sometimes, mental problems can actually be caused by a physical condition.

    For more information : Psychotherapy

    4When to See a Neurologist?
    • Numbness or weakness that comes on suddenly or happens on one side of the body (if you think you are having a stroke, however, go to the emergency room or call 911 immediately)
    • Persistent (over weeks or months) or worsening numbness.
    • Chronic muscle weakness or a rapid decline in muscle strength.

    For more information : Child Psychotherapy

    5When Should I Seek Counselling?
    We all experience stress, anxiety, mood swings and other forms of emotional distress at one point or another in our lives, whether it’s because of a professional setback, rejection, financial issues, relationships, personal loss or some other reason. Most of the time, we’re able to bounce back eventually. But sometimes we might need a little extra help to do so.

    For more information : Psychotherapy

    6What is Sex Therapy?
    Sex therapy is a type of talk therapy that’s designed to help individuals and couples address medical, psychological, personal, or interpersonal factors impacting sexual satisfaction. The goal of sex therapy is to help people move past physical and emotional challenges to have a satisfying relationship and a pleasurable sex life.

    For more information : Sex Therapy

    7When Should I go for Sex Therapy?
    One way to determine if you need to see a sex therapist instead of another type of talk therapist is to analyze what parts of your life are the most affected by how you feel right now. If your quality of life and emotional health are greatly affected by your sexual dysfunction, it’s a good idea to see a sex therapist. Likewise, if a lack of intimacy or difficulty communicating with a partner leads as your most serious personal concern, a sex therapist is the place to start.

    For more information : Sex Therapy

    8Do Repeated Hypnotic Inductions Weaken The Mind?
    So far, no research has proved that repeated hypnotic inductions weaken the mind.

    For more information : Clinical Hypnotherapy

    Psychotherapist for Special Children in Karachi

    Book An Appointment For Intake Session / Consultancy / OPD charges Rs. 1000/- only