Child Rehab

Transformation Children Rehab Center
Transformation Children Rehab Center is the most modern & Free Child Rehab Center is a manifestly unique initiative and revolutionary endeavor by the Transformation International Society to introduce “The Multidisciplinary Mental Health Care System” where the experts i.e. Consultant Psychiatrists, Consultant Neurologists, Clinical Psychologists, Clinical Hypnotherapists, Speech Therapist, Occupation Therapist, Behavior Therapist, Physiotherapist, Remedial therapist, and special needs educationists together with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy are brought under one roof for the first time in history of Pakistan to truly meet all mental health needs of the individuals.
- All 25 therapies inclusive
- 8 therapist’s expertise with one child
- Individualized Yearly Curriculum
- Monthly Verbal Feedback to parents
- Quarterly written Evaluation report
- Bi-annually complete psychological assessment
- Three classes of 90 minutes per week
- Target population – all age groups