Common Questions About Therapies
1What is the Difference Between Psychologists and Psychiatrists?
To define precisely, Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour. Individuals who practice Psychology are known as Psychologists and study how human beings think, behave and feel in different social settings. They are experts in human behaviour. On the other hand, Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbances, and abnormal behaviour. Psychiatrists look at biological, neurological and biochemical abnormalities to diagnose mental illnesses and prescribe medications to treat them.
2What is the Difference Between a Therapist & Psychiatrist?
A therapist is a licensed counselor or psychologist who can use talk therapy to help you treat mental health symptoms and improve how you manage stress and relationships. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can diagnose and prescribe medication to treat mental health disorders.
3When to See a Therapist?
Issues with mental health, especially if they’re chronic (persistent or recurring often), can be debilitating. Your body can respond physically to depression or anxiety much like it does to physical illness. And sometimes, mental problems can actually be caused by a physical condition.
4When to See a Neurologist?
- Numbness or weakness that comes on suddenly or happens on one side of the body (if you think you are having a stroke, however, go to the emergency room or call 911 immediately)
- Persistent (over weeks or months) or worsening numbness.
- Chronic muscle weakness or a rapid decline in muscle strength.
5When Should I Seek Counselling?
We all experience stress, anxiety, mood swings and other forms of emotional distress at one point or another in our lives, whether it’s because of a professional setback, rejection, financial issues, relationships, personal loss or some other reason. Most of the time, we’re able to bounce back eventually. But sometimes we might need a little extra help to do so.
6What is Sex Therapy?
Sex therapy is a type of talk therapy that’s designed to help individuals and couples address medical, psychological, personal, or interpersonal factors impacting sexual satisfaction. The goal of sex therapy is to help people move past physical and emotional challenges to have a satisfying relationship and a pleasurable sex life.
7When Should I go for Sex Therapy?
One way to determine if you need to see a sex therapist instead of another type of talk therapist is to analyze what parts of your life are the most affected by how you feel right now. If your quality of life and emotional health are greatly affected by your sexual dysfunction, it’s a good idea to see a sex therapist. Likewise, if a lack of intimacy or difficulty communicating with a partner leads as your most serious personal concern, a sex therapist is the place to start.
8Do Repeated Hypnotic Inductions Weaken The Mind?
So far, no research has proved that repeated hypnotic inductions weaken the mind.
Common Questions Asked About NLP™
1What is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an innovative technology based on modeling. It’s originators posit an interconnection between a person’s neurological processes (“Neuro”), language (“Linguistic”) and behavioral patterns acquired through experiences (“Programming”) and claim that these can be altered through modeling Human Excellence to achieve the desired goal. NLP facilitates people to train their minds to alter the old and habitual ways of thinking detrimental to their well-being with new and flexible ways of thinking.
2What can learning NLP do for Me?
Learning NLP can help you in all areas of your life: career, relationships, self-improvement, personal development, health and overall well-being.
3Can NLP be learned online or through distance learning programs?
NLP is not a diagnostic tool and requires experiential learning, thus it is difficult to learn through online or distance learning programs
4Is NLP about learning Techniques?
Well trained Neuro-Linguistic Programmers will always teach by installation, not by teaching technique after technique.
5Is NLP a Therapy?
NLP is an educational tool, not a form of therapy. People are provided knowledge the way their brains function and this information is utilized in order to bring changes. NLP is often very effective when combined with various forms of therapy. It is being used very successfully to help people with a variety of issues – such as fears, phobias, depression and painful memories, etc. Professionals from various fields incorporate NLP into their work, such as Doctors, Dentists, Homeopaths, Acupuncture Practitioners, Hypnotherapists, Herbalists, Psychotherapists and others.
6I am not sure what. I want can NLP help me?
Yes. The first step to changing any area of your life is to become totally clear about what you want and where you are going. NLP offers you some very effective ways of setting goals and outcomes, channels your energy into achieving them, aligns your values and beliefs with what you want to achieve, and increases your sense of purpose in life.
7How can NLP help me in Business?
In business, communication skills are often regarded as more important than qualifications. NLP gives you the skills to perform at your best, to tap your true potential, and to be a powerful communicator by utilizing the power of your mind. Furthermore, if thought patterns, thinking strategies, and some of the beliefs of effective business people are copied and modeled, you would be more effective in your work. NLP unlocks some of these secrets of success.
8How can NLP help in relationships?
In any relationship, communication skills are vital. Much of the quality of our lives comes down to the quality of our communications. NLP offers you some of the most effective communications skills available. You will discover how to develop rapport with people in matter of seconds, how different people respond differently to certain words, how to handle difficult people, how to improve the quality of your marital life, and how to influence your children more effectively.
9Can NLP help us control how we feel?
Yes, most of us feel that we are unable to control how we feel. NLP offers you some vital techniques. Once you know how your mind works, you are more likely to be able to control your feelings.
10Can NLP help us to let go of difficult past memories?
Yes, NLP gives you some very effective ways to get rid of your unwanted thoughts and releasing you from the past. You become better-equipped to help yourself and decide exactly what you want in life, handle any fears that hold you back, and generally be a happier person.
11Is NLP helpful for people in specific professions?
There are many areas in which NLP™ can be utilized. Whatever your profession is, you can use NLP to build on whatever it is you are already doing.
Common Questions Asked About Hypnosis
1Is Hypnosis a sleep?
In spite of the fact that hypnosis can be induced by suggestions of sleep, and sleep may be turned into hypnosis, and hypnosis into sleep, all scientific tests show that the trance is more like the waking state than ordinary sleep.
2Can people get stuck in Hypnosis?
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, because you are the one who makes it work! This means you are always in control. It is impossible to get “stuck” in hypnosis because hypnosis is just a focused use of your visualization using the power of your imagination to gain new choices and become aware of different perspectives.
3Will people reveal their secrets under Hypnosis?
Hypnosis will not make you tell secrets. When in a hypnotic state, you are merely open to suggestions. You still have a choice and wouldn’t divulge anything you don’t ordinarily divulge. You might bring forward some inner truths, which is what hypnosis is generally used for. These might shed light on some self-sabotage or some other situations you are currently placing yourself in.
4Will people do odd things under Hypnosis?
Hypnosis cannot make you do something against your will. Those who have seen a stage hypnosis show develop this belief. Those people you see on stage have a desire to do something outrageous; suggestions wouldn’t have the same effect on you. People will not do anything under hypnosis that they will not do in a normal awakened state. While many people believe that hypnotized people will engage in any activities they are asked to do, the fact is, “A hypnotized person will not do anything against his/her ethical & moral codes”.
Dr. Milton Erickson said, “If I could make people do all that I wanted them to do, there would be many more happy, healthy people living in this world today.”
5Can only weak willed people be hypnotized?
Research has proved that people in the state of neurosis, psychosis and those with intellectual disability cannot be hypnotized, whereas people with a strong will power and ability to focus/concentrate can be hypnotized.
6Is Hypnosis Really Dangerous?
There are no significant and specific dangers associated with hypnosis per se. The actual dangers are those which accompany every psychotherapeutic relationship.
7Can Hypnosis be addictive or habit forming?
Some people believe that if you are hypnotized repeatedly, you will be addicted to it and need it every time you want to achieve some result. This is not true; hypnosis is a tool you can use any time you wish and as much as you wish.
Common Questions Asked About Supermind ESP
1I am not sure what. I want can Mind Power Techniques help me?
Yes, Mind Power Techniques help you to discover your mission in life, learn what you were sent here to do by creating psychic insight. You learn to live a life that’s fulfilled and happy.
2Can Mind Power techniques enable you to develop Psychic Ability?
When the phone rings, do you ever, somehow, know who’s calling before you even pick up the phone? Have you ever completed a friend or a loved one’s sentence before they get the chance to finish it? This is your own natural Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) at work. With Mind Power techniques, you can easily develop your own ESP and learn to project your mind to detect information that will help you make better decisions about health, relationships, business, personal development, and even your purpose in life.
3What is ESP?
ESP stands for "Effective Sensory Projection". It is also referred to terms such as: intuition, remote viewing, psychic ability, hunches, and clairvoyance. You can learn to use Hidden Mind Powers to make mental connections to influence those at a distance and to project your mind at any place to discover hidden information not available to your five senses.
4What is Intuition?
It is the ability to detect information with your mind. It is also known as psychic ability, clairvoyance, and ESP. You can learn to do your own psychic readings
5Can everyone learn Mind Power Techniques?
Yes, anyone can learn it. All you need is a desire to learn to develop your intuition and use it to detect information that you can use to help you make better decisions.
6How can ESP help me in my relationships?
Yes, your intuition can help you to respond better to other people, building stronger and better relationships.
7How will ESP help me in the business world?
It can help improve your decision Making Skills and have greater prosperity. You can use ESP to detect more information, and when you have more information, you can make better decisions. Further, you can obtain information, guidance, and help from higher intelligence, which can help you be in a better position to make the best possible decisions.