There is a taboo that Father and son relation is complex. Pakistani’s nature is not too kind and humble, but they try not to be harsh with their daughter. There is no such friendly bounding in the relationship with Father and Son but an intensity to resist.
Boys can quickly go to their mom and say that how much they love her. But not so quickly to fathers; most guys don’t hug their father other than the eid greeting. That is not an expressive bond that is being shared with them.
Being a Man is not that mean you have no right to be kind and expressive. You all can go and have a task to say I love you, dad, once every week. And Let’s share with us how much difficulty you faced while just spilling the 3 magical words. Father loves their son a lot that they expect them to perfect 100/100, unrealistic expectations. But the attitude they show it not justify their love for you as a son.
If you keep expressing your heart towards him might keep smiling for the rest of the day. They will gradually learn to say love back. It’s not too tricky, but it is just all in your head.
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