By Transformation Wellness Clinics.
Your children can be noncompliant, ignoring instructions or direct orders no matter how many times they’re reminded, impulsive and oblivious to warnings and the rules they’re breaking. They can be oppositional and may argue back regularly. They may melt down or throw tantrums when asked to do something they aren’t keen on doing.All of this hurts the parent-child relationship and adds to stress on both sides.
Inspire for Better Living…
Let’s Connect!
Learn the skills to respond effectively
to kid’s behavior and keep things
calm at home, develop habits you
want to encourage!
IQ Assessment & Neurological Screening.
Aggression, shouting & violence.
Discipline & Behavior Issues.
Frequent school complaints.
Attention & Focus issues.
Learning Difficulties. (good in study but unable to perform at school).
Exam Anxiety.
Excessive Laziness.
Childhood obesity & weight problems.
Refusing to eat healthy food.
Unhealthy attachment to toys.
Dependency on mobile/tab.
Sibling rivalry.
Shy child.
Separation Anxiety
Children and Divorce.
Step-parenting & bonding.
Bullying and Cyberbullying in teens.
Child abuse and neglect.
Healthy coping with stress and trauma.
Gaming addiction.
Drug Addiction.
Teenage Rebellion.
Bad Company.
Excessive negative thinking.
Low Self-Esteem/ Low confidence.

Emotional & Behavioral Problems
- Aggression
- Shouting & violence
- Whining & crying
- Hyperactivity or being extremely fearful

Childhood Obesity & Weight Problems
- Refusing to eat food
- Craving for junk food or sweets

Learning Difficulties
- Lack of concentration in studies
- Avoiding school
- Bunking classes
- Frequent complaints from school teachers
- Exam anxiety

Difficulty in coping with Stress & Trauma
- Sibling rivalry
- Isolation
- Parents separation
- Step-parenting

Attention & Focus Issues
- Non-compliance
- Ignoring instructions or orders
- Unable to sit calmly

Unhealthy Attachments
- Separation anxiety
- Clinginess to parents or grandparents
- Unusual attachment to toys
- Not sharing belongings with siblings or friends

Screen Dependency
- Excessive use of mobile or tab
- Selfie obsession
- Social media addiction in teens

Teenage Issues
- Fear, panic & anxiety
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Social anxiety
- Teenage rebellion
- Procrastination
- Negative thinking
- Negative body image
- Low confidence
- Gaming addiction
- Drug addiction
- Bad influence